Client Stories and Testimonials
We use client initials in order to respect privacy.

BA is a 79-year-old single female. A retired school guidance counselor, she was referred to Catholic Charities Dutchess, via ex-colleagues, when she fell behind on utilities and rent.
Several years ago, BA had been involved in a road traffic accident leaving her a wheelchair user.
During an initial phone call our Senior Health Supports Coordinator learned BA was seeking $850 for rent and $200 for Central Hudson because she had recently hired a home health aide, for whom she was paying out of pocket. Food and other items were also needed.
The day after BA reached out, our Senior Health Supports Coordinator, along with another Case Manager, completed a home visit.
Food pantry items, a ShopRite gift card and gas cards were brought to her home.
Over the next weeks several home visits took place. The coordinator discussed the process of obtaining a home health aide via insurance and informed BA that transportation might also be available the same way. Documentation was obtained regarding outstanding bills. BA’s physician provided a letter confirming medical needs.
Once approved by the CCCSDC Executive Director, both rent, and utility payments were processed. The Coordinator worked with BA on ways to lower her utility usage going forward. An introduction was made to our partner Medicare Advisor, Nancy, who reviewed the case in full. BA stated, “I am so happy to have called the Medicare Advisor. She was wonderful, informative, and led me to the correct insurance to cover all of my medical needs.”
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KP is a 54-year-old single male with no family. He was referred to CCCSDC by Adult Protective Services who indicated:
“The person is eligible for an Office for People with Developmental Disabilities subsidy, and temporary assistance is paying the security deposit, but the person doesn’t have all funds needed for their first month’s rent portion. The Adult Protective Services worker has worked on a budget, and they can afford the rent moving forward, and just need assistance with the first month’s rent.”
That same day, KP was assigned to CCCSDC case manager Danielle.
During an in-person meeting with KP and his Adult Protective Services worker, Danielle was able to obtain copies of the Supplemental Security Income benefit award letter, his lease, his picture ID and the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities subsidy program letter.
Danielle e-mailed KP’s Landlord forms necessary to process a payment.
KP and his Adult Protective Services worker were informed of CCCSDC’s special dietary needs food pantry, open weekly for folks with diabetes and/ or hypertension. (KP has the former.)
During the CCCSDC weekly case conference, Danielle presented this case which was approved by the Executive Director. Combined United Way and EFSP Emergency Food and Shelter Program funding ensured coverage of the first month’s rent.
In December 2024 KP was added to the Adopt-A-Family program, receiving clothing, household items and many Christmas gifts, courtesy of generous donors.
He was also a recipient of a $50 Central Hudson gift certificate through the Holiday Helping Hand grant.
KP’s case remains open to ensure all is stable, and nothing else is needed from CCCSDC as KP settles into his new home.
GG, a 32 years old, Hispanic female, came into Catholic Charities Community Services of Dutchess County’s Poughkeepsie office looking for rental assistance. The mother of six children aged 2-12 had recently taken a second job to make ends meet, after the father of her youngest children had left the home.
GG’s case manager, Rosa, immediately set to work ensuring issues of food insecurity were addressed. Next, an in-depth budget review was done and a Home Energy Assistance Program application completed. All arrangements and needs pertaining to the children were discussed in depth.
GG’s service plan identified next steps and included contingencies, such as alternate housing options, should the need arise.
By 9th September Rosa had been able to connect with GG’s landlord. She requested an invoice of the arrears owed. By 16th September the necessary documentation had been received and GG was approved tor emergency funding of $1,500 – thus preventing eviction and stabilizing housing for her and her children.
A phone call in October verified that the landlord had indeed got the check and all was well there.
GG stated, “I am so grateful for all the help and assistance during a very dark time in my life.”
It was only with the help of Adopt-A-Family (toys, clothing, household items) and Holiday Helping Hand (assistance of $50 toward her electric bill) that GG and her children were able to have a Christmas and truly get back on track.
Having weathered that “dark time” GG is now working 2 jobs. The family are up to date with rent and bills and looking forward to a happy New Year.
SJ is a single, black male aged 50 years. He came to Catholic Charities Community Services of Dutchess County in early November, accompanied by his sister, looking for rental assistance.
SJ had been homeless for a number of years living in his car or for brief periods, at family member’s houses. Diagnosed as schizophrenic, he had struggled for a number of years to get on benefits and was only recently awarded Supplemental Security Income.
During his initial meeting SJ’s case manager completed a full intake, including a budget review. She was also able to address the immediate need of food insecurity from our food pantry and through vouchers for food and gas.
SJ explained that another agency was committed to paying $400 toward his apartment, covering the security deposit. However, as his Supplemental Security Income award was only recent – from which he had to pay $200 for current shelter – he had not been able to save for the first month’s rent. He had hoped to move in on the first of the month. Understandably, SJ was anxious and upset that this move to his first home in many years – so close to fruition – seemed like it might not happen. His case manager reassured him, counseling that we would do all possible to ensure a positive outcome.
Having verified the situation with the other agency and the potential landlord, SJ’s case manager submitted a request for $400 first month’s rent. It was immediately approved by CCCSDC admin and sent to finance for processing. SJ was able to move in immediately based on that commitment.
SJ was provided an array of Christmas gifts and household items for his new home as part of CCCSDC Adopt-A-Family program.
SJ continues to check in with his case manager. Mental health supports are in place to ensure sustainability.
Client stated he is stabilized and up to date with his rent and bills. Client is currently receiving ongoing assistance with Supplemental Security Income. Client stated, “I am very thankful to CCCSDC for getting me into this apartment.”
The Executive Director at CCCSDC received a call from PG looking for assistance. PG explained that she was placed in a local motel following a house fire. Her time with Red Cross support had ended, requiring her to pay $178 every 2 days to avoid becoming homeless.
In recounting the fire, PG said the lower apartments in her building are used by a supportive housing agency. It was one of those tenants who threw a lit cigarette onto the porch, which then ignited the building. The only resulting injury was sustained by a firefighter and thankfully that was minor.
Per local media – “A fire that broke out in a multi-family home, City of Poughkeepsie Tuesday night displaced five adults and a 7-year-old child and injured one firefighter. The damage to the building was relatively minor, but some electrical and wire lines were compromised. Several walls and ceilings in the home were damaged in the process of ensuring the fire did not spread further.”
Due to severe COPD, PG could not use the few belongings recovered from her apartment. The smoke residue would compromise her breathing. PG also suffers with multiple ongoing conditions including diabetes and hypertension.
PG stated she has resided in the damaged apartment for some 28 years. Her landlord offered use of a studio apartment, at a different location during repair time, but only if PG could first furnish the unit.
At CCCSDC, PG was assigned to case manager Karina who reached out. By 8pm that day a bed, box spring, mattress, table, and chairs were delivered to the studio apartment via a local business with whom CCCSDC has partnership.
Next day PG obtained food from the CCCSDC special-needs food pantry (specific to those with diabetes and/or hypertension.) Clothing, household items and toiletries were also provided.
PG’s physical health, mental health and financial situation improved from one phone call, and in one day, thanks to the dedicated work at CCCSDC.
RG, a 26-year-old, Hispanic, single mother of three, called CCCSDC hotline seeking assistance with rent, food, and utilities. Although employed full time at a local hospital, RG was experiencing financial difficulties due to reduced overtime and the unexpected expense of replacing her car-purchased only six months prior.
RG was assigned to case manager Rodd. In reviewing her income and budget it was clear that RG’s apartment in Poughkeepsie was sustainable once the immediate crisis was resolved.
Rodd enrolled the family for CCCSDC’s Adopt-A-Family program providing Christmas gifts, clothing, and household items. He connected the client to Central Hudson’s Good Neighbor Fund securing a $200 credit toward utilities. Grocery store cards and use of the CCCSDC food pantry addressed the family’s food insecurity.
Rodd liaised with a partner agency for rental assistance. They and CCCSDC collaborated in providing payment, thereby ensuring eviction prevention for the family.
RG shared that she has returned to school training in phlebotomy, guaranteeing a higher income at her current place of work.
Hello Everyone (CCCSDC and Sun River Health),
BRS whom we have helped in many ways, left the US on December 26th, 2024, to return to El Salvador. He was met by family and is presently with family. I believe this is best for B, he is home, in a culture he is familiar with.
Over the past few years he has been helped to survive through your kindness and generosity, expressed in many ways. All helped in some way and B, benefitted from our team effort. At the end of the day, together, we did something good, we made a difference.
Thank you everybody for your loving concern.